Sunday, February 10, 2013

i3 tiling window manager

These days it just so happened that I got to know of the tiling window manager i3. So far I had only used desktop environments like Gnome, KDE, etc and was currently quite happy with Cinnamon. Nevertheless the concept of a tiling window manager seemed quite convinced to me so I gave it a shot. My impression is that it is very intuitive to use. It has a good multi-screen support and can be configured via plain text in a config file, which makes modification quite easy. It is very helpful for working with an editor when at the same time you want to have a shell and a webbrowser to be visible and accessible, so I do recommend it for any programmer.
Depending on your OS you might even have a version in your repos. Unfortunately, the version I found in the Linux Mint 12 repos is quite old. With Ubuntu 12.04 you will have access to a newer version.
If you want to check it out yourself, go to or just install it from your repos.

Update: I added a screenshot (version 3.e-bf3 (2011-05-08)) with emacs, shell and chrome.

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